Please Note: You will only be allowed to make online appointments 24 hours or more in advance. You may call or email Christopher if you'd like to inquire regarding more immediate availability.
Payments can be made by Zelle,credit card, check, or money order in US funds, payable to: Christopher Emmer. Send Paypal payments to
Readings and Healings with Excalibur
I invite you to work on deep levels with me.
I offer 3 different types of sessions.
Please click on each for more information.
Intuitive Counseling where we’ll build a bridge and have a conversation with your own guides, guardians and angels about any questions or concerns that you have about your life.
Shamanic Healing that could involve any number of different shamanic techniques for healing, including Extractions (removal of energy attachments), Power Animal Retrieval, Soul Retrieval, De-
Core Belief Sessions that utilize a process known as Psych-
Intuitive Counseling phone sessions are billed at $50 for the first 15 minutes, and $40 for each additional 15 minutes, up to a maximum of one hour. An optional CD or MP3 file of the session will be sent to you at no extra charge. The phone call is included in the price, anywhere on the planet.
Shamanic Healing runs $35 per 15 minutes, $140/hour. Standard sessions require 30-